Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fortune telling with a sense of humor

If you've never tried Gong Hee Fot Choy (what a name!) and you're not sure you have a high level of tolerance, don't try it. LOL I have a friend who swears by it and does it each week. She persuaded me and I had to make a wish. Naturally, I made a love wish. And guess what I got for a beginning! This:

"Someone is thinking of contacting you by phone, email, or letter. They may wish you would call them. Concentrate and see if that person who wants to contact you comes to mind."

Well... Thank you very much! LOL It's so clarifying. :)))) Now, I'll wait for the call. Because, apparently, I can't guess who of all out there in the world would like to contact me. I know whom I would like to contact but I don't have his number. Complicated, no? LOL Ring, ring. :)))))))

Aaah, this is an update. :)))) The Gong has been nicer today:

"Someone is thinking of giving you a present. They are planning and wondering what you would like. Hold a thought for something you want. They will pick up on your thought and fullfill your wish."

Well, how can I refuse? LOL I think the Dior jewellery I wished for around Christmas will do the job. :)))) Thank you in advance, secret Santa Claus! :)

On a more serious note, seems this Gong system relies quite a bit on positive thinking which is cool as long as the other person can catch the vibration. ;)

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