Saturday, October 22, 2011

A boy. A Pisces child.

My boy, that is. My child, brought by the faeries. Not resembling anyone, not related to anything, a creature of a world I wished to know but I fail to understand constantly. Because I was so much better in this when he was a baby; because I've somehow lost the energy to truly support him these days; because I'm turning into a frightening copy of all that terrifies me in other parents, and because I feel so guilty and I've been feeling like this for months... I just wanted to give him the understanding of one remarkable woman - Linda Goodman. And to say, again, I still love Alice and I still know where Wonderland is... I just sometimes need someone to remind me where I left my key the other day. And I hope he, my faerish child, will understand. I wish he will forgive but not forget. I need a reminder. Every day.

Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:

Ever drifting down the stream
Lingering in the golden gleam-
Life, what is it but a dream?

Someday, either the Piscean philosophy of freedom of expression or the conformist concept will win. My money is on Pisces. Of course, your friendly, warm-hearted little Neptunian must be taught that people expect him to adjust eventually to their crazy-quilt, upside-down concepts in order to survive. But if he's shoved too hard by stem, negative adults, he'll lose his way back to the other side of the looking-glass. Don't steal his key. He needs to slip over there now and then, to refresh himself with the true wisdom of the Red Queen and the White Knight. Then he can better cope with the real world of war, poverty, disease, hypocritical ethics and ingratitude. Your little fish needs a cloak of protection against the cold winds to come. Knit it yourself with bright, gay sturdy yam. Try to understand his Neptune ways. Guide him tenderly, wisely, and when he's tall enough, he may someday suddenly reach out and catch one of his silver stars to bring home to you. Then you'll be glad you didn't laugh at his dreams. Better clear off a spot on the mantle right now.

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